Aboard the James Craig tall ship on 8March 2023, Accru Felsers and the German-Australian Chamber of Industry and Commerce hosted a special New Year’s Reception. Honoured with Executive Director, Dr. Gabriele Rose and Consul-General Axel Zeidler, we welcomed over 170guests to celebrate German-Australian business opportunities and partnership.
As the autumn dusk turned to night, we set sail on Sydney’s beautiful harbour. Accru Felsers Partner, Steven Zabeti addressed guests, sharing an overview of Environment, Social and Governance developments from around the world, to bring into focus transparency reporting around Environment, Social and Governance.

Environment, Social and Governance (ESG)
Simply put, ESG, examines how a company impacts the environment, how a company manages its internal and external relationships and how a company governs itself.
A few notable ESG developments have been made recently with The United Nations publishing its sustainable development goals with a focus on global sustainability, the US Securities and Exchange Commission issuing a set of proposed financial reporting disclosure rules and the European Union recently publishing its final text of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).
In Australia, climate related disclosures are not mandated but we are seeing that for those businesses seeking access to capital, access to markets, or access to people; ESG reporting is becoming a huge incentive to be transparent with stakeholder groups both domestically and internationally. ESG reporting is being phased in starting with a focus on Environment and moving quickly towards the Social and Governance aspects.
Organisations should begin to identify their sustainability goals to assist with formulating theirs strategies and pinpoint areas that can be more closely aligned to the framework.
Accru Felsers longstanding German-Australian partnerships
As more German businesses move to tap into the opportunities in Australia, it’s important to have the right partners. Largely due to our European origins, Accru Felsers has been assisting German-speaking businesses to establish in Australia and grow into prominent brands for over85 years.
Accru Felsers has had a longstanding relationship with the German-Australian Chamber of Industry & Commerce since its establishment in Sydney in 1977. We have been an active member since that time and value the Chamber’s representation of German business interests in Australia. Accru Felsers was honoured to be the primary sponsor of the AHK New Year Reception this year and looks forward to collaborating on future German Chamber initiatives.
Please contact us at Accru Felsers if you would like to find out more about our services for German-speaking businesses in Australia.