I recently entered the hitherto-unknown-to-me world of the ‘Facebook Business Mum’. There are hundreds of these groups – from global to suburb-by-suburb ones, most with very strict entry conditions. As a manager from an accounting firm in Sydney, I never thought of participating. However, as I am also a mum who helps my husband run a local landscaping business, I was recently ‘accepted’ to a couple of these groups.

I was amazed at what I came across – all manner of impressive Mums in Business! The mums with newborns who make stationery or write blogs in between feeds; mums with school-age children running online start-ups; mums who run their business full time on a global scale with 100 employees… to mums helping their hard-working partners run their trade businesses.
This online community of Mums in Business is so supportive and collaborative. Every hour there are such varied comments and posts – mums asking for graphic designers for their social media platforms; a photographer needing a fancy kitchen for their next foodie shoot; hat designers needing beautiful Mums to wear their hats for YouTube videos; mums with brand new websites needing feedback (and mums who don’t hold back their critique). There are also full-time working mums trying to plan a 3 year-old’s birthday and needing to outsource a facepainter and balloon twister…by this Saturday!
Let’s face it – these mums don’t have time to mess around. If you need something done pronto – ask a Business Mum! These groups provide tips and guidance on-tap – and there is always someone to talk to when you need it.
Most of the time I sit back on my train ride home each day and admire these women’s online interactions – a lot of comments go unnoticed, but the ones that get air-time can have hundreds of comments and followers, potentially getting their business names out to hundreds of prospective customers.
However, sometimes the mums need accounting advice…. DECENT accounting advice… and this is where I come in and try to assist. I feel for them. If they get the basic accounting concepts wrong, the whole business can potentially go belly up, or worse – they can be working their butts off for no return. It’s important and something I can help them with!
For example, the business may be growing quickly and need to change its business structures; they may have reached the GST threshold and be unsure what to do. They may need help with their Xero software, deciding about expanding into overseas markets or budgeting and cashflow; They may be struggling with what price to charge; how to pay themselves a salary; what’s an invoice…the list goes on – honestly I’m surprised there isn’t a group called ‘Accounting Advice for Business Mums’ – I’d run it. SO important.
I wanted to share the magic of these Business Mums helping each other behind the scenes, in every spare hour they get – behind the chaos of running a household, keeping the family alive and healthy, making sure their partners and husbands feel loved, and still making it to netball at 8am on Saturday morning. It’s like a cheer squad for your business – a 24-hour helpline.
Go ladies – you rock!